About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Catching My Breath!

Letting it go...

Yes, now I am quoting Kelly Clarkson's song.  It has been my mantra for these past 6 months or so.  And it is crazy how much has happened since I last blogged.

Get ready everyone, it has been a while - so you should probably take some nice deep long breaths - this is going to be a long one!

Life keeps going and going and going.  It is chaotic, wonderful, crazy, exhausting, and completely always unpredictable.

I wanted to just stop and take a moment - to catch my breath one more time.  Check in.  Look around.  Assess the vibe.  Be with it all.  Be mindful of it all.  I realized after I spent much time breathing, I wanted to write it down.

Here is the thing about the song, Catch My Breath - in January I picked it as my first song to learn to play on the guitar.  Last September (2012), I started taking guitar lessons, and then in December my teacher insisted I learn to play a song - and well I had been singing this one over and over again - so I picked it - it sorta picked me.  The only problem is that I never practice guitar so it took me a long time to finally get the song.  Basically, I only practice at my lessons with my teacher (who is awesome) and that is only once a week (if that). 

A few weeks ago, my teacher told me that was it, I needed to pick a new song... despite my lack of practice and focus, I had learned the first one.

Just like that, much as in life, you pick a new song, take another step forward, go on a new adventure.  I play the old song very very slowly and by no means even well, but it was time to pick a new song.

Six months ago, I stopped blogging to concentrate on new stuff.  Among other things, a triathlon.

My second to last post was all about how Jocelyn and I planned to complete the Iron Girl Triathlon on September 8, 2013 together.  We trained together these past six months or so.  But in the end, we decided that I would do the triathlon and she would concentrate on running. 

Jocelyn ran her FIRST. RACE. EVER. on August 4, 2018 - a 5K.  She did fantastic.  We were all there cheering her on.  The kids ran their first official race that day as well - the kid's fun run - they were spectacular.  It was one of the greatest days for all of us.  I was so proud of them all.  And best part - WE HAD A BLAST!

Over the past few months, Jocelyn and I (and a few good buddies of ours) have been running and biking.  Early Saturday morning, we get a babysitter and the kids see us getting our running shoes, workout gear, bikes and Gatorade and they tell us to do a good job exercising!  Each time they say it, it makes me SMILE!  You see, Jocelyn and I, we are not serious athletes.  We aren't in great shape.  But we are trying.  We want to be healthy and model healthy ways for the kids. As much as all this mindfulness is important, we believe that exercise, and being healthy is really important too - especially for our kids because they HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY!  We have been inspired by their boundless never ending supply of energy. We want to be better - to be able to catch our breaths and catch up to them!

So we have been training.  I have been swimming at the gym.  I have my trainer at the gym (by the way, he is the one who got me started on this triathlon kick).  We have been running and biking (remember how I mentioned I was terrified of the bike...). It was good. The summer arrived and we started swimming with the kids - a lot.  Jonah started swimming lessons! We were all "training" to be future triathletes.

We also made a huge family decision.  We decided to put both kids in a local Montessori School that had an option for a full extended day program - and wait for this - I was going to look for a full-time job.

Now I can write a book about why that decision came to be - it was complicated, complex, simple, emotional, practical, and so much more of a decision for me and us. 

We made it. 

In the midst of all those articles/books (and the slew of debate, scandal and backlash in the blogosphere and everywhere else) - Anne Marie Slaughter's, "Why Women Can't Have it All," Sheryl Sanberg's "Lean In," and even most recently,  Deborah Spar's "Wonder Women" - and everything else in between - we made the decision.

Thus, on July 1, Jonah and Vera started school from 8:45 to 3:30 every day and I started job searching (while continuing to train for my triathlon.)

We had a crazy, busy, wonderful, exciting, chaotic and exhausting summer. We packed everything possible into it.  Every single drop of summer fun-ness, we drank with abandon and concentration.  We had meltdowns and temper tantrums but also had hours of pure delight playing in the pools all over the city and beyond and eating lots of ice cream and froyo!  Jonah turned 4. We went geocaching! Hung out with grandma and grandpa in Shadyside.  Made homemade crepes  and ice cream for Shavuos. Twirled sparklers for July 4th! Had dance parties in our living room.  Did a million projects with paint, glue, and everything else!  Watched caterpillars turn into butterflies! Went to a county fair and the Folk Life festival on the mall. Celebrated Grandpa's birthday. Ran another family 5k with the jogging stroller. Vera got a big girl bed! It was a summer to remember. I anticipated that it would be my last summer as a "stay-at-home" mom for a bit -- once I would get my job.  I knew how special it was. I wanted to enjoy every second of it - at least "be" in it as much as possible.

School break came in mid August and once that hit it was a whirlwind of even more excitement, travel, guests, holidays, interviews, and the final stretch to the triathlon... you know - just a little bit of kaleidoscoping the unusual and spectacular chaos that is our life...

We traveled to Mexico for this unbelievable extended family vacation to witness the renewing of vows after 10 years by some amazing family friends, three families visited us starting right before Labor Day that we hadn't seen in a long time and who have never been to our new house. 

We are now also totally and completely obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with superheroes and comic books - all of us!  We have been generously sharing this obsession with everyone around us!

Before we knew it, it was Rosh Hashannah - the Jewish New Year and days before the big race.

My family came to visit for the holidays.  We had a really meaningful holiday - family, friends, good food, services at temple, and the kids really get it now.  They get the holidays and what they mean.

Rosh Hashannah ended on a Friday night.  We had a fabulous shabbot with Nana and Pop and some good friends from out of town.  Early Saturday morning, we left for our road trip to Cumberland, MD and Rocky Gap State Park for the big race...  we know how to start the new year off right.

Now, let's catch our breath.  Take a moment.  Breathe in.  Breathe out. Here are some pictures from before the big race weekend.  From the past few months.  Enjoy!  Catch your breath, and let it go.  To be continued...


Iron Man in Mexico

Family Rosh Hashannah blowing shofars

July 4th Swim Party at the Pool!

Superhero Exhibit in Bmore

Rosh Hashannah Services with Nana

Shabbot with our Cali buddies!



super hero dress up

in the pool at Shady Shide

Fun on the National Mall

Folk Festival

Grandpa's birthday

Family 5K!

Arlington Fair

family swim in Mexico!

family in Mexico

Batman in Mexico

BWI parking garage!

Jonah's bday

cousins in Mexico


Jocelyn's first official 5K!

The first 5k!

Dressed up with the Renewal Couple in Mexico!

Labor Day Super Hero Madness with our bestest buddies!

First day of school on July 1 2013!


july 4th singing our favorite song: Katy Perry's FIREWORKS!

Germantown pool with our buddy

our favorite local DC public pool!

Swim lessons at the Lab School

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