We got there a little late. Parked. Made our way up to the kid friendly part of the exhibit... and guess what... there was a room full of super cool Lego tables and Legos... but there was also way too many Ipads everywhere with games and apps on them that were created by Nordic companies or something like that?!?!? (including Angry Birds and a painting program...), So, you guessed it, Jonah & Vera were OBSESSED with being on the ipads!!!!! It was so frustrating!!!
We met up with our buddies and Jonah & Vera were excited about that. We had snacks (donuts) with our buddies - everyone was excited about that... then played with the ipads again?!?!? hello there was a room full of Legos?!?! They did play a little bit with the Legos... but really they just wanted to play on the damn ipads... BTW I do not have an ipad, so they were very excited about having access to it... (I might also add that the entire exhibit is very interesting and if you can get your kids to loo at it and not be obsessed with the pads you will have even more fun... we didn't get to see it but I am told there are amazing waterfalls and a very cool ship... and tons more!)
Then my buddy had a great idea - let's take them outside on the terrace! It was a super sunny nice day and so we did - this was the amazing thing - they LOVED being out there... I loved that they loved being outside and running! It was awesome to watch them - all four of them - running and laughing so happily and innocently on that terrace - I could have cared less that they were obsessed with the damn ipads just minutes before - this was pure nirvana!
I feel like whenever I need a quick pick me up, I should get us to the Kennedy Center on a non event day and park before 10am and just take them on the terrace to run... (that is when parking is only 10 dollars and not 22....)
Our buddies left after the running, but we stayed on and had lunch at the cafe (which I might add is wonderful cafe!) The kids sort of ate and then started to lose it a bit... we made it back to the car sort of in tack and then everyone fell asleep in the car except me).
Good play date with play group buddies at an interesting place. two thumbs up I tell ya!
Happy Thursday Everyone!
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