About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Tu B'Shevat Shabbat

This past Friday night and all day Saturday was Shabbat and as a added special treat it was also Tu B'Shevat!

Tu B'Shevat is the Jewish holiday that celebrates TREES!  Often termed the birthday of the trees - it is like a Jewish Arbor Day of sort.  It also happened to be one of our bestest buddy's birthday.  So we had a few buddies over and celebrated Shabbat, the trees' birthday and our buddy's birthday!  Not a bad way to end the week.

On Saturday morning, we did our traditional Tu B'shevat ceremonial planting of the parsley!  We plant the parsley on Tu B'shevat and then hopefully enough grows in our little "garden" so that we can eat it on Passover!  The kids loved this! And then loved cleaning up too!  That is always a good project - when the cleaning up is as much fun as the project.

On Saturday afternoon, we started a new tradition this year (Mama's excellent idea!!) - I was really excited about it. We attempted to create "family trees" with drawings and pictures on Saturday afternoon.  We didn't really finish that project - as Jonah and Vera sort had some minor meltdowns... maybe because we were slumbering in the house all day and I hadn't really thought the project out very well - as in much of it wasn't "prepared" so there was way to much time spent by me running around trying to find stuff to use for the project and trying to figure out how to print pictures on the new printer... we are going to return to that one - it is still spread out on our dining room table - we will report back and post when we figure it out.

Overall we had a really nice Shabbat Tu B'shevat.   The kids liked turning the white grape juice into red n our clear plastic cups on Friday night by adding a drop of red juice into the white grape juice in four cups of wine at our little seder.  It was fun trying all the different nuts and fruits required for the seder as well.  And the whole dinner with all our good fiends, good food and special treats was a wonderful way too end the week. 

For Saturday snacks we only ate food from the seven species of Israel - Jonah & Vera especially loved eating the pomegranate seeds!

Everyone loved the little birthday cake for the trees and our buddy!

We watched the Lorax (my personal favorite tree show!) and we read lots of books about the holiday and about growing things and trees!

The fact that there was snow on the ground, just made the whole thing more fun.  Thinking of green leaves and growing seeds - it keeps you a little bit warmer!

Happy Sort of Snowy Monday Everyone.

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