About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Making the Second Cut...

Before Jonah started preschool this year, I figured it was time for another hair cut.  That was almost one month ago to the day... the fall is flying by! 

Last night we attended, Jonah's preschool's open house - wow, I wish I was going to his school - they have a lot of fun!  Jonah made us a little snack bag and we made him a Shabbat place mat - yep, they asked the parents to sit at the little tables and chairs and do "art" and decorate their children's shabbat place mats - it was fun.  His teachers said he is doing great - so that made me happy!  Today Vera and I are going to go to school during Shabbat Sing so Jonah is going to get another surprise.  First preschool, then Kindergarten, and soon both my babies will be in grad school - I've seen this movie before!  It goes fast!!!!

But before Jonah & Vera are off and running solo around the world (I know the day is coming) those of you who have been following our little bit of chaos over here, know what a big deal Jonah's first hair cut was - at least for me... We did the first cut on his 3rd birthday in Baltimore.  Basically, three months later, in September, he needed another one.  We were on the new shoes, new season, new school year, Jewish New Year kick - so we went for it.

And we went where most other little Washington DCers go... to Bethesda... oiy!  We left the rocking city to get the curls cut - to Kidville.  It was a very short little jaunt North and it was well worth it.

Jonah & Vera had a super dooper time.  Vera piloted a plane and watched Dora - she was not excited to leave.  Jonah drove a red fire engine, held a cool plane toy, watched Dora, blew bubbles, got a lollipop and oh yeah, also got his hair cut.

The woman cutting Jonah's hair was awesome!

It was a good haircut, everyone had fun and we even escaped with free foldable Jake the Neverland Pirate, Pirate Ship Cut Outs?!?!!  SUPER SCORE.

After, we stopped had bagels and then went to the big Barnes & Noble for a little train action at their train table.  It was pretty awesome to see Jonah & Vera maneuvering around the table with the other toddlers. 

Memories swooshed over me as I sat there. Jonah & Vera are these little people (OK they are little) but they are on their way to becoming who they will be - they have complete and total personalities, get their hair cut and have their own opinions.  I kept remembering the first times I took Jonah to the B&N Bookstores to play at the train tables, we were in Chicagoland and he was basically the same age as Vera is now.  That is just weird.

Time goes really really fast.  It goes even faster when you start getting older.  It goes even faster than that if you have small children.

That "mindfulness practice" kick I am on right now - well, the big thing is to "be" in the present moment.  Watching my kids, every day, hour, night, meal - I am trying to "be" in the moment with them.  Despite the potty training fails, food throwing on the floor, repetitive stints in time out (for both of them now?!?!) and crazy temper tantrums... I am trying to "be"- and when I am not with them because I have to do all the other crap I have to do - I am trying to "be" in those moments as well.  This is not easy, but it is a process.  I am grateful for the chance to try. 

It is finally getting colder and the beginning of the year hair cut is over... the fall bombardment of Jewish holidays is over... next up Halloween - but for now "mindfulness practice" dictates we should  just "be" for a little bit before we swing into the spooky!

That's code for BREATHE... IN... and then OUT...

Give it a try.

pre cut curls

yes he insisted on cleaning up his curls...

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