About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Super Heros in the Sukkah!

Although, traditionally you are supposed to host dinners in the sukkah, we are trying to host playdates, breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and sometimes dinners (whatever we can)... most of the week was a sukkah wash out because of the rain - but we did manage to have some fun!

This past Monday Jewish preschool was closed for Sukkot - my kaleidoscope was wiggling in my back pocket - call up Batman's mom (he goes to another local Jewish preschool) and invite them over for some Super Hero craziness in our sukkah (or as Jonah was overheard saying that morning - this is Spiderman's Sukkah!!!!).  That's what we did.  It was pretty super hero fantastic!

There was lots of running, pushing, wrestling... and projects!  I will let the pictures speak for themselves.  But we did have fun!

(1) Painting our Etrogs! - we painted foam eggs shapes with yellow paint - voila etrogs!

(2) Snack Sukkahs - graham crackers, chocolate icing, peanut butter, pretzel rods, fruit roll ups, and fruit gummys!  Way too much sugar but oh so fun!

(3) Squeezing some lemonade! (because you know lemons look like etrogs and they are both citrons -and I have wanted to make lemonade all summer... I planned it as "a recovering from getting your tonsils out" activity - but then realized lemonade was not on the approved bland food?!?!) - Yep, we did it - the good old fashioned way!  Lots of lemons!  Lots of squeezing! water and a pinch of sugar - delish! 

We love Batman and his crew.  His sister is big into purple, accessories and Dora (sort of Vera's perfect soul mate) and their mom, well she is part of that village I keep talking about (and also the Not-So-SAHM) - that's code for pretty good stuff!

It was a great morning - Jonah & Vera and their buddies had a blast.  We made a mess!  The kids blew shofars, shook the lulav and etrog and were playing inside, outside and around the sukkah!  It was gorgeous out!

Like I said, a good time! Many of the pictures below are courtesy of Not-So-SAHM... like I said my camera is crapola...

Another update.  Sunday night is Shemini Atzeret and Monday night is Simchat Torah - yep some more Jewish Holidays no one ever talks about.  What that means is we won't be seeing you all till Wednesday and then we are done with the Jewish Holidays until Chanukah!

In other news I am still receoving from that cold/flu thing.  Turns out, it's a super severe sinus infection and I am on three weeks of antibiotics and steroids... whoop whoop for me.  As the buddah says, with the diagnosis, you do the cure... or something like that.

We are planning a VERY RESTFUL SHABBOT weekend over here!  We need it. Yes the Village is helping.

Shabbot Shalom everyone! 


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