About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall on the Mall

Last weekend,we were all about Fall Festivals.  On Sunday, we ventured down to the Mall for the National Book Festival and it did not disappoint.  It was the first time we had been and we were not sure what to expect.  We LOVE books around here.  Jonah and Vera walk around asking me to read stories to them all the time - so I figured this was going to be totally in line with our life philosophy.

Here's the thing, we had a great time, but it didn't really have anything to do with books per se.  I don't know if that was a good thing or bad thing, but it was true.  The other thing is that it was SUPER crowded so I had to selectively pick and choose what we were going to do.  One of the great things about the festival is that all the kid stuff was in one area and that made it very easy to navigate.  There were a number of "story times" but Jonah & Vera were way too stimulated to sit down and listen to stories - when there was a whole festival happening around them - so we skipped that (which was essentially the "book" component of the festival).

Here is what we did do.  We colored on big white boards.  Jumped around on the reading pillows. Had a ton of fun at the Duplo Lego station for a long time! Threw rings on this big Wells Fargo white horse. Jumped around in the reading pillows area at the Wells Fargo tent that had these huge horse stuffed animals. Had ice cream snacks.  Somehow serendipitously arrived at the exact right time at this random desk to get our own Wells Fargo white stuffed horses! Met Word Girl and Buddy the dinosaur!

Then as we were ready to go home we ended up at the music stage in the PBS tent.  We missed the performance but they had a big screen TV and on it was playing the music from the PBS commercials.  Jonah and Vera put on a dance show for the entire tent! I can not explain how awesome it was.  The two of them were like in their own little dance off world with each other and they were so happy!  I love that my kids love music!  I love music and I haven't listened to enough of it lately.  I am changing that slowly.  I love listening to it, dancing to it, singing it and playing it - and so do Vera and Jonah.  It is truly a gift.  I am not very good at it (well except for the dancing part - that I am very good at), but I think my kids might be - only time will tell.

We ended the day at the carousel.  Jonah and Vera always want to go on the carousel but then once it starts moving I am stranded with two kids on two horses and they might change their minds at any time... not so easy.  Yes, yes I try to put them on one horse but they never comply.  At the end of the day, this carousel ride was pretty good.   Jonah stayed on his horse the whole time and liked it!  Vera stayed most of the time and then jumped into my arms. 

It was a good, but exhausting day at the Festival.  Fall on the Mall gets a thumbs up! We'll go back next year!

This weekend begins Sukkot (yes another Jewish Holiday - this one has little huts and very pagan-like things that we shake (called the lulav and etrog)... don't worry I will explain next week!).  We will not be back until Wednesday next week! 

Until then - Shabbot Shalom and here's some foreshadowing: 

Shake Shake Shake your Luluv... Shake Shake Shake your etrog!



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