About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Throwing it all away! - A Tashlich Tuesday

For about 8 years now, we have a tradition in our family to do Tashlich at the Tidal Basin (except for one year we did it in Illinois).  Tashlich is a ceremony that originated in the Middle Ages with the prophet Micah:

Tashlich (תשליך) is a ritual that many Jews observe during Rosh HaShanah. "Tashlich" means "casting off" in Hebrew and involves symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread or another food into a body of flowing water. Just as the water carries away the bits of bread, so too are sins symbolically carried away. In this way the participant hopes to start the New Year with a clean slate.

You are supposed to make sure the water has fish in it.  The amazing thing is to watch as the fish gobble up your "sins" - it is very liberating!

This past Tuesday, Jonah, Vera & I made our pilgrimage down to the Tidal Basin under Thomas Jefferson's watchful eye... sort of fitting since just the day before (Monday September 17, 2012) was Constitution Day!  We were joined by one of our best buddies, Uncle Boaz!  We love you Uncle Boaz.

We made our way to the water's edge and "cast off" our challah bread crumbs into the Basin.  And yes, the fish and the birds came and gobbled them up!  It was quite wonderful.  Jonah & Vera loved it! 

We then ran around a little bit, slickers, galoshes, and umbrellas... as it was rainy and wet out!  Finally, we climbed Thomas Jefferson's steps for a little Tashlich snack break in one of the memorial's alcoves.  We noshed on Honey Cake, holiday cookies, cheddar goldfish and gummy fish - and a few juice boxes as well. 

It did start to rain so we hung out a bit.  Eventually, we just had to go for it and make our way back to the car.  We split up - Boaz had Vera in the stroller and I had Jonah on my shoulders. We arrived back to the car in good shape.  By the time we got home, my gang fell asleep in the car.  Again, buddy Boaz was critical in getting them into their beds with their eyes still shut!

Jonah was really into taking his "bad choices" and throwing them to the fish... so was I.  We all said we were sorry to each other and gave each other big New Year's hugs.  We declared loud and clear - to all the fish and the birds who would listen - It is time for a clean slate.  In the year to come we promised each other fewer time outs, less fighting, and trying to stop our power struggles over everything and anything.  We also promised each other we were going to try our hardest to make good choices, listen better and love more!

This is the season folks - the leaves are going change colors - we can change our ways too! 

We are going to try very very hard!

casting away our sins - excuse the smudged camera lens...

powerful & serious stuff - especially when you do it surrounded by the monuments to our founding fathers...

the spiritual and actual journey begins by taking the first step...

snacks!  yummy goldfish!

and jelly/gummy fish...

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