About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Finagling Some Flag Day Fun!

We were all up too early this morning... I can not wait till we get our blinds next week because then Jonah will not be able to see Mr. Sun at 6am.

Jonah:  Mommy!  Mama!  The sun is up.  It is morning time.  Get up already!!! Plleeaaasseee....

Mama: No

Mommy (me): ok ok ok... give me a second....

Jonah:  NOW!!!!!! (at the top of his lungs...)

Vera: starts crying...

Mommy: f-k... Good morning Thursday... where is my blackberry, where is the remote control, where is my f-in kaleidoscope...

Jonah, Vera and me get ourselves into the playroom, TV goes on and I check my blackberry (I do this because it makes me feel important, connected to other people besides my kids, and it is a habit... I know I need therapy and everyone says I should have an iphone...)  There it is staring at me in the face (on facebook no less) - Happy Flag Day!  (see some interesting facts about Flag Day here)

Dam!  How could I forget about Flag Day.  That is what we are all about... CELEBRATING THE FREAKING HOLIDAYS - no matter how big or small... Where is the kaleidoscope again?

Quickly, I started hunting and gathering the necessary equipment for the day.  Jonah was asking me, "mommy, what is wrong, what are you doing?" to which I replied, "Jonah it is FLAG DAY! We need to get ready!!"  His reaction, "ok Mom, that is a good idea..."

I found the "flag" books.  We read them.  I found the flags.  We waved them.  We sang the National Anthem.

My mind was racing... what else we gonna do?

Here is the thing, most of our crafts/food projects... well I kinda make them up in like 10 minutes (or as we are actually doing them) We use random stuff I have in the bins in our basement and they are pretty low maintenance and often involve packing tape or something like that...

I busted out the Ikea ice cube molds (remember this post here).  Jonah made some "stars" and "stripes" (red, white and blue) from yogurt (strawberry, peach and blueberry). We put them in the freezer.  Whoosh. That was a good one!

Then Jonah wanted to paint.  So I went down and cobbled together a flag project.  We used the very big packing paper.  Red, blue, and white paint.  And I used clear packing tape to secure some blue construction paper to the off-white packing paper.  I also busted out these new "rollers" to paint with.  Jonah liked that.  He made a big flag.

They had the frozen yogurt stars and stripes for snack.

I also dressed them in "flag" attire.  Jonah wore a flag shirt and Vera was in red, white and blue.

I think they loved waving their flags the best.  After yesterday's meeting with the presidential candidates, today was less glamorous but just as patriotic!

Happy Flag Day Everyone!

we have two of the wiggly star molds and none of the regular star molds... Jonah did not seem to mind...

I showed Jonah how to paint the STRAIGHT lines with the roller...

he told me he liked doing it his way better... who am I to tell him has to do things the "straight" way... :-)

we were singing the national anthem through most of our flag waving session!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Amazing celebration given the late notice:-) I'm inspired by your spontaneity. See you in a bit!
