About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Getting Campy & a Cubby!

Big news over here!  Last week we attended orientation at Jonah's summer camp.  And today he started!  He is a SURFER!  He will be going until August 3 for three days a week from 9 to 12:30.

We are ALL very excited!

Orientation went OK.  Jonah had fun sort of.  We met his teacher and visited his room and the playground.  After about 15 minutes he explained to me, "ok mommy, we can leave now - let's go home and play with Vera."  Umm No.

I tired to get him to play with some other kids but that wasn't going to happen.  And when I would speak to other moms, he would interrupt. "Mom, please stop talking, we need to leave now."  Sometimes they get too smart and you can't pull a fast one on them.  Jonah totally understood he was going to go to camp, and the moms and little sisters were not allowed to stay.  He wasn't so excited about this.

We've been working on it for days now.  He got a special new bag to take to camp.  He gets to take his beloved Thomas lunch box (they eat lunch at camp.)  He got new "crocs" with special charms to wear to camp.  Yes, he could even take Buzz to camp in the car and leave him there while he went to camp.

And then it was today!  The first day.  He was really great all morning before we left.  Almost excited.  We were all talking it up.  We got all packed up for the day.  He went in his swim gear - although it was  gray day so they ended with no pool time today.  We took this adorable picture on the porch before we left.  En route the 4 blocks (I drove because I thought it might rain and just didn't want to deal with that), he got a little anxious.  We were singing our "going to camp song" and then he just yelled - No I don't want to go.  I want to go home!  We got there and we all walked Jonah to his cubby and he liked putting his camp bag and lunch bag on the hooks.  We went into the room and Vera was super excited (she really wanted to stay).  He was sort of checking stuff out.  I saw his teacher and we exchanged glances.  I had explained to her at orientation that he was not going to let me go quietly.  She gave me the nod.  So I said goodbye, scooped up Vera and we walked out.  He screamed bloody murder and his teacher picked him up.  He put on the full display - kicking, wailing arms.  Vera and I walked out without looking back. We made it home and napped!

We picked him up and he was so happy to see us.  He had a fine day.  He went to the potty and did not have any accidents!  He came out with an art project that he was very very proud of.  He told me numerous times that he got to ride bikes... he also mentioned something about his teacher getting mad at him because he crashed all his friends' cars?!?!  I'll have to follow up on that.  He told me his teacher read him a story and he did art. First day down, only the rest of the summer to go!

Here's the thing.  I can almost see the battle going on in him - he wants to go to camp to play and have fun, but part of him desperately wants to stay with Vera and me... the poor kid. 

Jonah, my sweetie and best guy, this is a struggle, in one form or another, you will have for the rest of your life. To be or not to be. To go or to stay.  To be safe or to take risks.  To adventure out on your own is hard work, but it is worth it and I will always be here for you!  No matter how old I get, or how far I may be!  Mommy will always be here if you need me and you can always come home after you try your hardest!

Now go baby bird.  Fly.  Fall.  Fail. Get back up and try again.  You can be or do anything you want.  Trust me!  And yes, camp is going to be fun.

Vera and I need a nap so you don't have a choice!

camp orientation - even the hallways are fun!

mom I got a magnifying glass over here!

Finally he stays in his classroom for 5 minutes playing with the trains!

I like these slides mom!

All ready to go!  The first day!  One little guy with a lot of stuff... and Buzz!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Jonah! I know that was tough on both of you!
