About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Monday, June 11, 2012

He's Three!

Today is Jonah's actual birthday.  I can not believe he is three.  I remember the day he was born perfectly.  And now he is three.  Wow.  One day he will be thirty-three - that just seems crazy to me.  For now, he is just three.

I have I told you how much we love birthdays around here!

Today, Jonah woke up and got to open presents from yesterday's family's party.  Uncle Dave, Auntie Nee, and cousin Sydney hit it out of the park!!!  A huge yellow dump truck with legos... Jonah and Vera were so excited and played with the truck all morning together!  Whoop whoop for you.  He also got two awesome gifts from family friends (momos you know who you are) and one was this "hit the ball" Melissa & Doug toy!  It is the perfect toy for Jonah.  I am hoping he will get out some of his recent "three year old aggression" with this toy.  He really really liked it.

After breakfast and presents and playing, Jonah and I were off to the dentist for his three year old checkup.  He needs it for camp.  He did great.  This was his second trip to the dentist.  He sat in the chair and did everything he was supposed to do, say AAAAAh, spit, rinse - the whole deal.

He earned lunch with mommy for such a great performance.  We sat outside in Dupont and had lunch.  Well, he just drank his juice box and described all the awesome vehicles passing us by... mommy, a really big bus, mommy, a truck, a green one and a yellow one, mommy a delivery truck, and now a mixer truck, look mommy another bus and a police car, and a dump truck too... he was very engaged in the traffic...

I figured we should swing by Stride Rite for some shoes for camp.  So we did.  Jonah got these very very cool, Spiderman looking (they a red) Kean sandals for camp - covered toes and waterproof.  He also got multi-colored Crocs with the little charms - Superman, Batman, Buzz Lightyear and Thomas the Train.  He made out at the shoe store!

This afternoon, some buddies came over to play in our backyard in the sprinklers and hang out.  They brought him a present too!  He was so excited!  He ripped it open and it was this awesome set of Hebrew Letter and Number wooden blocks.  Jonah and Vera loved playing with it together .  (Later this evening, Jonah was building towers with them all night...) We also went to dinner at Comet right down the street.  We have never been and it is a very fun and kid friendly place.  They have ping pong in the back.  Jonah and his buddy attempted some ping pong - but they are bit too short and don't quite get the hang of it yet.  But they had fun!  It was Jonah's birthday dinner outing.  It was very fun.  I was so happy we got to hang with our buddies. They are totally cool and it was nice that Jonah had another 3 year old to share it with (and nice for me to be with other moms (yep another 2 mommy family) of a three year old).  We even had a piece of cake with a candle.  Jonah was really excited about that.  He told Nana and Mama all about the cake with the candle and dinner with his "best friend." (Full disclosure... Jonah had an "accident" at dinner and Vera had a complete meltdown once it hit 7pm - but other than that it was fantastic!!!)

Mama made it home before Jonah's bed time tonight.  And she arrived with another present.  (I have to note here that I am not so into the presents aspect of birthdays - I am more of a celebration kind of girl... but when kids turn three everyone else seems to be really into the presents.  The problem is Jonah is totally into presents so I can't begrudge him the gifts  - he will only be three once...)

Mama gave Jonah - wait for it... the Buzz Lightyear that talks (see here).  He was so happy!!!  Even though I hate the whole "materialistic obsession with gifts that we don't need that are made out of plastic... blah blah blah..." the look on Jonah's face when he got the gift was pretty wonderful.  The anticipation while Mama tried to get it out of the box was tortuous to watch. Watching him play and talk to Buzz and wanting him to take him to bed with him... it was just like watching the Toy Story movie... it was priceless.

Jonah's asleep now.  In bed with him is Elmo, Lightening Mcqueen and Buzz Lightyear.  He is happy.  And he did make sure to tell us that Buzz's best friend is Woody - you know just in case we didn't know it.  (The best is I don't think he has ever seen the whole movie Toy Story!)

Happy Third Birthday my sweet Jonah!  Go Jonah Go!

(Next up for Jonah - his friend party at the end of the month - A Transportation Celebration... I told you we like birthdays around here!)

Good Morning! Presents!

The Big Truck!

It has a hammer - and you hit these balls...

brushing at the dentist

flossing too!

Lunch with mommy and the traffic

new shoes

birthday dinner with buddies!!!  - and ping pong!

and watching our buddy's iphone...

while Vera plays with mommy's blackberry

cake & ice cream!!!


and finally, mama brings home Buzz!


  1. happy birthday Jonah! Turns out he's almost the exact age as my son, Trout turned three on June 10th.

    1. Darcy, we should have a play date!!! I thought oyu guy was close in age to my guy- the difference your guy has older sisters- mine a younger one... but I think they could hang! :-) we should meet up on an adventure!
