My birth date is November 2, 1970. I turned 42 years old.
I have a thing for numbers, what they mean, cosmically, religiously, etc. The whole everything means something, signs and tests, nothing is accidental superstitious streak in me... it is strong - if you haven't noticed.
I am a HUGE birthday person. I LOVE birthdays and celebrating them. Before kids, I was completely into celebrating my birthday - often for the whole month long!
Post kids, I am really into celebrating the kids' birthdays, but still love mine as well.
This year, we've got tons going on and I was happy about my birthday, but as I have noted before, I am also really really tired. We decided we'd have a family birthday shabbot dinner and then Jocelyn and I went to see Melissa Etheridge in concert. (I am on a total "go and see women rock stars in concert" kick right now). So that is what happened.
But like much in life... it was really so much more.
First off, I hadn't even heard Melissa's new album "4th Street Feeling" until the day of the concert. I figured I would listen to it online before we went. I did and I really liked it. At the concert, Jocelyn bought me a super cool t-shirt and the actual CD. The concert was fantastic. Totally different than Madonna but wonderful none the less. Something about women performers over 50, they are liberated from the world's expectations of who and what they should be and it just oozes off them. (Melissa basically said as much during the concert). Think Madonna, Melissa Etheridge, Tina Turner, Barbara Streisand, Meryl Streep - they are free and fabulous and over 50... I want to be like them when I grow up. Jocelyn and I had great seats and an awesome time at the concert.
Then late late on my birthday (it may have even been early the next morning), my totally great but geeky brother sent me an email. It said: "Hey there! We tried calling several times yesterday but could not get you. Dad said you went to a concert so I hope you had fun! Just think - this year you are the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!"
And just like that - the songs of the concert fading in my ear and those words sinking into my brain... it happened for me. What 42 was all about. It was quite incredible.
When I read my brother's email, I totally got it instantly - and I could not believe I hadn't remembered. In his own way, my brother is pretty fantastic himself. And only he could send me that email. (Although from now on, I will be giving everyone I know who turns 42 the book, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" - because as many of you should know - at the end of that book, it is revealed that the "answer to Life, the Universe and Everything" is the number 42.) Thank you Michael.
I could not stop smiling after those two events - the concert and the email.
I wasn't sure what to write for my birthday post. So many directions to go. A list of 42 things to do when I am 42... maybe things to do with my kids. A list of 42 things people did when they turned 42. A list of 42 facts about 42. I did some research. It was all interesting. But it wasn't what I wanted. There is a great article I found that has a really great "42" list, check it out HERE.
But today, while hanging out with my kids - singing and dancing to one of my new favorite Melissa songs with them, it became clear that this is what I wanted to write.
The lyrics to one of her new songs, "Falling up!"
(Listen to it HERE - it is really great!)
I sent a picture to my very best friend
And in the picture was me and my car
At another dead end
If you wanna and come and find me
I can leave you a sign
My heart’s a little heavy but the rest of me is, well
Fine all fine
So here’s to me let’s raise a cup
I’m fancy free and I’m falling
Falling, I’m falling up now
I’m falling up now, I’m falling up now
I get the picture of reapin’ what I sow
It’s getting’ clearer that all that I love
Is all that I know
So here’s to me let’s raise a cup
I’m fancy free and I’m falling
Falling, I’m falling up now
I’m falling up now, I’m falling up now
Every now and then it gets too dark to see
Too dark to see just what’s in front of me
Every now and then I fall off the edge
Right off the ledge heels over head
Am I givin’ in if I’m trying
Am I really falling or flying
Am I really living or dying
Am I really falling, falling or flying
I’m falling up now
I’m falling up now
I’m falling up now
Come on send me a picture
Of everywhere that you’ve been
And then honey, come on, come on, come on
And shake it like a Polaroid
It's a really really good song. The words and the music. It is great to sing to and to dance to. My kids can do both. One day I am going to be able to play it on the guitar. (I can play the A, D and E7 chords already!)
For now I am going to sing it loud and dance around to it in my empty living room with the kids. And blare it on the radio when I am alone in the car (sometimes, rarely that actually does happen).
Today, I took just a few pictures of my littlest "best friends" with their toy cars - just like it says in the song. Seemed like the thing to do.
I leave you with pictures of Jonah & Vera and their cars and one of Melissa! And also with a few facts that are 42ish that were just too good not include.
(1) Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States. (WE LOVE CLINTON)
(2) Fox Mulder's apartment number on the X-Files was 42. (I LOVE THE X-FILES AND FOX MULDER)
(3) In the year that I am 42, Jonah will turn 4 and Vera will turn 2...
(4) In 2004 (notice the 4 and the 2), I spent 4 months working in London in the Tower 42 building. That is when and where Jocelyn and I became friends.
Life is funny and awesome, but strange. Life is mysterious. I am 42. I feel like I am Falling Up, now. And now, I am clearly the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.
Come on everybody, "shake it like a Polaroid!" & Shabbot Shalom!
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Melissa singing Falling Up |
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