About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

All Around the Town!

A good friend of mine introduced me to the term, "nap prison" - as in when one kid naps in her crib and is good at it and then you have to stay in the house with the other kid who is not napping and figure out something to do. 

These days, Jonah gets extra mommy time, because mommy (that would be me) is in nap prison... while his sister blissfully sleeps in her crib (I didn't know kids did this until I had Vera).  Jonah & I do lots of projects. And when we can (if it is not too freaking hot or raining - we hang in the back yard.

So it seems, Jonah is getting a bit more "blog" time than Vera recently, but I suspect that will change in the fall when Jonah is in school 4 days a week and Vera will probably give up her morning nap and "the girls" will have their own adventures!  Until then you get lots of Jonah, usually with his shirt off... hopefully with his pants on... the kid likes being naked!

Jonah received a ton of cool gifts on his birthday.  One gift was the perfect nap prison distraction - vinyl sticker play scene!

He received the Around Town scene and a very cool book as well.  Both appropriately "transportation" themed - clearly Jonah's buddies read this blog.

We sat for a really long time with these stickers... first carefully peeling each one of the sticker mat.  Then putting them into the scene and talking about what it was doing (this truck is going to school to see Ms. Katherine - that is his teacher..., this car is driving Vera to the store to buy strawberries..., etc.). Finally sticking every last sticker into the play scene and having a big crash!!!

Jonah loves the crash ending.

He was very proud of his sticker play scene. I was very proud of him.

The cool thing is that I did not know about them until we got one as a gift.  Turns out they have tons of them in all different themes - we may be buying some more of these.

While we were doing it, it reminded me of the Colorforms kits I used to play with as a kid.  I LOVED doing the Colorforms!  It turns out they still sell them too - but from the reviews on amazon - it looks like the quality has gone way down.  The one we got as gift was great quality.  The stickers totally stuck and were thick - good for Jonah's little fingers and it was a really nice play scene board that folded.  I may break down and try a Colorforms set - for nostalgic reasons... but I highly recommend the one we received as a gift.  I'll keep you posted!

Final big thought for the day:
The cool thing about having kids, you get to play with the toys you loved as a kid all over again!

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