About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's up Doc?

We had a big doctor visit today.  Jonah's 3yr check-up and Vera's 15mos check-up.  Both a little late... remember I have trouble with getting things done on time.

To get ready for the big visit (I was not so into the "have both at the same time" visit - but the office is always like - hey just do them together and this time since they were both late on the appointments I agreed), I decided we should have a little doctor preparation. 

Yesterday after camp, we had full on let's be doctor day at our house.  It is still really hot here so this indoor activity totally fit the bill!  We read a great new Dora doctor book (Vera LOVES LOVES Dora!!).  Each kid got their own doctor's kit.  After Vera went down for her nap, Jonah did some doctor/body art.  It was totally fun.

The kids went "ga ga" over their doctor kits.  I bought this one for Jonah and this one for Vera (but then I gave Jonah Vera's stethoscope - it sorta works- and her blood pressure gage).  I bought a bunch of fun band aids and gave that to them as well.  Also had a bunch of different sized syringes (leftover from my cancer/infection days) and gave them those as well.  I had their baby dolls set up for them to examine.  After we read the book, Jonah turned into Dr. Jonah and took the whole thing very seriously!  He was wonderful with his patient - talking to him and examining him.  Vera really loved the Dora book and read it again like 10 times.  Then she moved on to the doctor stuff and she got into it a bit as well.  They had fun for about an hour and then it was time for Vera's nap.

Before she went for a nap, I had both of them lay down on big white paper like you do in the doctor's office and I traced their bodies.  Once I put her down for her nap, Jonah and I put the paper on the table and Jonah colored in his paper Jonah.  We gave him a big heart so Jonah could listen to it.  Jonah drew some curls and a belly button.  He liked drawing and using his "tools" to examine the paper Jonah.  Then he wanted paint - so I was like - yeah - ok - let's paint too!

I gave him four cups of paint and showed him how to use the syringes to "doctor paint" - not a bad kaleidoscopey idea, if I do say so myself!  He liked it but eventually ended up just smushing a bunch of paint with his hands... that is ok too!

When we woke up this morning it was check-up day!

Thank goodness Mama went with us today.

We got there with our doctor bags... and we didn't even have to wait that long. 

A short digression here: 
WE LOVE OUR DOCTOR!  Her name is Dr. Ariza and we really love her.  She has seen both kids for every checkup since they were born!

We get into the room, and it was fine for about 5 minutes and then it sort of turned into quiet pandemonium, while the intake nurse did the height and weight.  Dr. Ariza walked in and it degenerated into complete and total chaos... as in I only took one picture...

Jonah was actually really good and did everything.  Dr. Ariza gave him a big thumbs up.  Vera was in the worst mood.   I knew she had been battling a cold or something for the past few days, but also knew we were going today to the doctor so I waited.  Yep, she has an ear infection.  Plus, she was tired, cranky, hungry and she hates lots of people in new smaall spaces - she was totally overstimulated.  Jonah started getting totally upset that Vera was upset so finally Jonah and Mama left to get treats. Then Dr. Ariza finished with Vera.  Despite the ear infection and the booster shots, she did get a thumbs up as well. 

Post doctor visit, Mama went to work.  The kids fell asleep instaneously in the car, but then Jonah got up when we got home.  Vera spent most of the afternoon napping and Jonah spent most of the afternoon playing with the doctor kit and his cars - he is now giving examinations to his vehicles! 

Dr. Jonah at work

Dr. Vera

Dr. Jonah takes my blood pressure

Dr. Vera does it too


making some curls for paper Jonah

that's paper Vera in the front

my belly button looks funny on paper Jonah

Syringe Painting!

at Dr. Ariza's office

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