About Me

Washington, DC, United States
Heather Capell Bramble is mother of two kaleidoscoping kids, Jonah and Vera. She has a magical kaleidoscope, often in her back pocket, and it usually helps her turn her normally chaotic life into something beautiful. Her goal is to have as much fun and try to be as happy as they can while on the uncharted journey of motherhood. This means doing lots of arts and crafts, going on crazy adventures, and celebrating all kinds of holidays - and yes, trying to laugh along the way!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Those three letters can mean so many things...

In this case, they mean more than one.  They mean what you think they mean... and more...

They also mean:

What a Terrific Friend!

When is This Finished?

Wonderful, Terrific & Fantastic?

Wow, This is Fun!

Want To Fade away into nothing...

I've had all these feelings/thoughts this week...

Monday morning Jocelyn left for a two week work trip.  For some reason we also lost our Internet on Sunday night?!?!  WTF

Should have known something was up then!

The week was filled with great moments and these varied WTF moments. 

We went swimming in two different pools with two different buddies - that was the "Wow, This is Fun" moments!

We bumped into a number of friends in a number of places - some we haven't seen in years, some we haven't seen in months, other in weeks - but it was great to see all of them - however long it had been! Wonderful, Terrific, & Fantastic!

We also managed to lose a set of car keys and lock ourselves out of our residence twice - in two different ways on two different days - that was the "When is This Finished" and "Want To Fade away into nothing" moments (and definitely the traditional WTF meaning?!?!).

Tonight, I was going to write about something else - but I just had to write this instead.  I don't think I would be able to fall asleep if I didn't. WTF

Overall we had a great day.  We went to an awesome Olympic themed 4th birthday party this morning - Jonah & Vera had a wonderful time and they were really well behaved.  Jonah got this little gold medal that he has been wearing all day and telling everyone that he got his "gold medal" because he behaved in the "limpics" - too funny.  He is totally into medals and rings right now... What Terrific Fun!

After the party, we drove over to our best buddy and Auntie C (in Virginia...)to give her a housewarming gift and Jonah & Vera terrorized her kitty cats in the best way possible.  Will Travel for Friend!

Then we all needed a little break. Vera took her nap.  I finally took a shower.  Jonah hung out with the babysitter for two hours.  We all got up, cleaned up had a predinner dinner and then we were on the road again to another party back in Virginia.   I've been going to this friend's BBQ for years and was excited to go.  I wanted to bring the kids, but I was tired and hesitant because I was without Jocelyn and I really didn't know anyone there besides the hosts - but I threw caution to the wind and went for it.  The babysitter helped me get the kids ready to go and packed into the car and I dropped her off at the bus stop.  She locked my front door... Wasn't Thinking Forward...

Of course I went the wrong way to the BBQ so instead of it taking us 25 minutes it took us almost an hour.  I hate my GPS!!!!  We got there and headed straight to the big back yard.  Within minutes Jonah was playing with two older boys, 8 and 10 and one of them was also a Jonah.  Jonah was ecstatic and happy, happy happy!  They played for an hour.  Vera was walking and talking to everyone.  We ate chips, watermelon, mozzarella salad - had drinks and had a great time!!!  What a Fun Time! 

Then the storm came and it was late.  I gathered my crew and before we could leave the skies opened.  I had an executive decision to make.  We were parked way down the street- did I take them into the rain and get really wet or try to wait it out in the house.  I waited a few minutes but my kids were super tired, the house was super nice, there were too many people, it wasn't going to go well - so we made a run for it! Wet, Tired, & Fussy!
We got soaking wet but made it back to the car and drove home - this time armed with much better directions.  We got home quick but wet.  As I drove up to our house, I had a flash - I don't think I have my keys... WTF?!?!


On Tuesday somehow I lost my car keys?!?!  I drove the car home and had them then, but then on Wednesday when I wanted to take Jonah to camp... no key... I am sure I must have thrown them out... because I still have not found them.  We have another set but it was with Jocelyn in Chicago?!?!  I thought very quickly and found the valet key.  Jonah got to camp on time and I started to make calls to figure out how to get another car key.  Jocelyn FedEx'd me the second key and on Friday I went and had another key made by the dealer and then programmed with all my current keys.  $150 later we have another key, but as I checked out I realized it did not include the remote????  That is another $150, and needs to be programmed as well.  For now, we only have one remote. WTF.
On Thursday afternoon after hanging out with some fun buddies at the pool, we got back tired and wet and - guess what? we could not get in the front door.  I had my keys but the door would not open.  I ended up getting in through a side door - that I had the key for... and then after another discussion with our amazing lock guy figured out that somehow this little button on the side of the front door got pushed (I am sure by one of my kids) that makes it impossible to open the door even if you have the key...  WTF.

On Friday, I decided I would hang up  my key holder so I would not lose my keys anymore.  The new routine would be to keep the keys on the key holder and check the buttons before I leave... I can succeed if I have a routine... at least that is what I told myself.  In the old house, I always kept my keys on the key holders so I would not lose them.  I never got around to putting the key holder up in the new house and I was just keeping them in my purse.  I decided it was time to go back to my old method.

So there we were.  It was 9:30 on Saturday night after a long day (a pretty good one).  My kids were exhausted and so was I.  We were wet and I did not have my keys to get into my house.  WTF WTF WTF....

I called the friend we visited this afternoon with the new house.  She was exhausted and in the shower.  She got dressed and drove her butt over to open my door (she has my keys) - SHE IS AWESOME!!!  What a Terrific Friend!

Before she could get to me, I changed my kids into dry clothes/diapers in the back of the car and we went to the Burger King drive thru for treats... french fries (Vera's favorite) and chocolate shake (Jonah's favorite).  Our Auntie arrived, we got into the house.  My house keys were hanging on my key holder... WTF.

I have mentioned it before - I think... who knows because I can not remember anything....

But these days I am tired and I can't remember anything.  It freaks me out a bit, but I am so busy I don't have time to think about it too much - until on nights like tonight and I don't have a choice.

I kept thinking about a few things tonight... I can remember when I was studying for the Bar exam and I could not remember anything like keys, phone numbers, or where my study books were.  I started taking gingoba... I am sure it was because I was studying all the time, I was anxious and stressed about the test, but not really indulging in feeling anxious or stressed because that is not my thing... so my brain had to give somewhere and not remembering things not associated with the Bar exam was how it worked...  Lately I feel a little bit like that... WTF?

But then I talk to parents, and they all tell me - it is just PARENTHOOD... having kids makes you loose your mind!  sort of in a good way.... WTF?

And then I keep thinking about the NPR story on menopause that I managed to listen to a few months ago and there was a good 5 minutes on how when some woman go through it they start completely losing the memory and they feel like they are going crazy.  I am so making a gyno appointment this week.  I am going to be 42 and the women in my family have gone through it very early.... WTF?

Finally, I think about my grandma who is 95 and has basically no short term memory.  We have been dealing with her losing her memory (memories) for a number of years now.  I do sometimes worry about it.  I know that sort of thing can be genetic.  It is hard to watch someone you love lose their ability to remember.  Our minds are what makes us who we are.  Forgetting where your keys are is no big deal, forgetting who you are - well that is a whole different story. Or forgetting who your kids are, your loved ones are... that is heart breaking.  My grandmother isn't there yet, but it is still hard to watch someone you love with your whole heart age and lose pieces of who she once was. WTF.

It is way past my bedtime.  My kids are finally asleep.  Tomorrow is another day. 

What will I forget tomorrow? I don't know...


chocolate shake


it's a party on a Saturday night when Mommy loses her keys!  WTF!


  1. Auntie C is a true gem! Say hi to her for me. And don't worry about your memory. It is well documented that the brain cannot hold onto everything at once, so when people are ultra-multi-tasking, the way you have been, the more mundane stuff just slips. Get twelve more sets of keys, put them everywhere and you'll have one less thing to worry about. :)

  2. dear semi trepid travelers: I have taken your idea to heart! thanks! and it looks like there are some blog posts waiting to be posted on over on your blog - a few years overdue!!!! (or maybe just posted somewhere else...) And I told Auntie C you said Hi! You did hire her... :-)
